Business Plans - Page 8

Not sure how to craft your own business plans? Discover all you need to know from small business plans to examples and more.

Business Plans

The Basics of Writing a Business Plan

Here's why you need a business plan and everything you need to know to get started writing yours.

Business Plans

How to Effectively Promote Your Business to Customers and Investors

There are many tactics to build awareness and buzz around your brand, and they are all critical components of success.

Business Plans

Use This Worksheet to Write a Product Description That Sells

It is vitally important that your business plan is able to build a convincing case for the product or service that you plan on selling.

Business Plans

How to Write the Management Team Section to Your Business Plan

Think you've got an all-star lineup? These are the key characteristics to showcase.

More Posts on Business Plans

Business Plans

Who Is Your Ideal Customer? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself.

Uncovering your target audience's wants and needs can set your business apart.

Business Plans

How to Write an Operations Plan for Retail and Sales Businesses

Tips for detailing what has to be done and who does what in service and retail companies.

Business Plans

How to Write a Business Plan Executive Summary That Sells Your Idea

Here's an easy-to-follow outline to create an impactful business plan executive summary.

Business Plans

5 Essential Elements of Your Industry Trends Plan

What you need to include in the market analysis section of your business plan.

Business Plans

When to Update Your Business Plan

Nine signs it may be time to pivot from your original business strategy

Business Plans

What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition? Use This Worksheet to Find Your Greatest Strength.

Learn how to hone in on the things about your business that truly stand apart from the rest.

Business Plans

Customers and Investors Don't Want Products. They Want Solutions.

Product features are great, but you really need to sell buyers on how your product or service will benefit their lives.

Business Plans

How to Identify and Research Your Competition

Emphasizing your competitive advantage is an essential part of any business plan.

Business Plans

How to Identify Market Trends in Your Business Plan

Where is your industry now, and where's it going? Here's the best way to track industry movements.

Business Plans

How to Use Financial Ratios to Understand the Health of Your Business

Comparing various elements of your financial reports will help you manage your company better and show investors that you are on the right track.

Business Plans

How to Write an Income Statement for Your Business Plan

Your income statement shows investors if you are making money. Here's everything you'll need to create one.